10 Fun Pumpkin Carving Ideas for Kids

Make this Halloween the most memorable yet with this collection of unique pumpkin carving ideas your kids will love! From a Cookie Monster pumpkin to Emoji carved pumpkins, these simple and creative DIY ideas will make you look like supermom to all the kids in the neighborhood. Seriously!

While Halloween is by far one of my most favorite times of year, I haven’t had a lot of experience in the pumpkin carving department. I grew up on a little island called Singapore, and while we always dressed up in costumes and had classroom parties on October 31 at school, there was no such thing as trick-or-treating.

I’ll let that sink in for a minute.

There was no trick-or-treating where I grew up.

To say I felt left out is an understatement, and now that I’m a mom, I go out of my way to make up for lost time. I try to make unique costumes for my daughter, we do Halloween-inspired arts and crafts, and we make sure our home is decorated for the holiday, but the one thing I have yet to master is pumpkin carving.

I’m just not good at it.

Of course, this doesn’t stop me. I always have grand plans of creating a cool masterpiece the entire neighborhood will love, but despite my best efforts, I always fall down.

My pumpkins just never turn out right.

The good news is that I rarely, if ever, let failure get in the way of my dreams (that’s a lie, by the way…), so this year I’m doing things right. Rather than waiting until the last minute to buy a pumpkin and come up with a design, I’m already ahead of the game. I’ve purchased a set of pumpkin carving tools and found 10 fabulous and unique pumpkin carving ideas on Pinterest, and once late October hits, it’s game on.

Will I pull it off?

Probably not.

But you might have better luck.

Here are 10 unique pumpkin carving ideas your kids will love!

1. Peek-A-Boo Pumpkin (BHG)
2. Firefly Pumpkin (Hative)
3. Carving with a Drill (The Garden Glove)
4. Car and Camper (BHG)
5. Squash Snail (Good Housekeeping)
6. Cookie Monster Pumpkin (Princess Pinky Girl)
7. Olaf Pumpkin (The Whoot)
8. Emoji Carved Pumpkins (Brit)
9. Tinker Bell Pumpkin (Instructionables)
10. Cookie Cutter Pumpkin (Refinery 29)

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If you liked this collection of unique pumpkin carving ideas, please share it on Pinterest!

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