25 Hilarious Kids’ Birthday Party Games

If you're organizing a birthday party for your little one and need help finding the perfect games for kids to keep your guests happy, this collection of 25 Hilarious Kids' Birthday Party Games is a great place to start! There are so many fabulous birthday ideas for all ages in this list, and these games make great boredom busters for cold winter days!

Did your mom organize cool birthday party games for you and your friends when you were growing up?

Mine did.

She had a book filled with different birthday ideas for kids that she got out at the beginning of March each year (it was similar to the Penny Whistle Party Planner by Meredith Brokaw, but a LOT older) and I have fond memories of playing pass the parcel, musical chairs, and pin the tail on the donkey with my friends throughout my childhood.

Of course, birthdays have come a long way since I was a kid, and when I was helping a friend come up with fun games for girls for her daughter’s seventh birthday a couple of weeks ago, I was blown away at all of the awesome ideas I found on Pinterest. There were so many fabulous themes and ideas to choose from that I had trouble deciding which ones I liked the best, and since my daughter is at an age where she can play games with her friends, I decided to write down my favorites.

What I love about these birthday party games for kids is that they are easy to setup and can double as boredom busters on lazy days at home. Who knew party planning could be so much fun??!

1. Punch Box (A Casarella)
2. Spin the Nail Polish Bottle (One Creative Mommy)
3. Balloon Pinata (Inch Mark)
4. Pig Pen Game (We Heart Parties)
5. Use Your Noodle (Parents)
6. Paint Filled Eggs on Canvas (Growing a Jeweled Rose)
7. Fish Cup Game (Carnival Savers)
8. Squirt Gun Station (First Home Love Life)
9. Backyard Jenga (Holli Long)
10. Outdoor Twister (Just Us Girls)
11. Water Balloon Baseball (Zucchini Summer)
12. Pool Noodle Race (Ramblings From Utopia)
13. Hula Hoop Race (Today’s Kids Ministry)
14. Walk the Plank (Sweeten Your Day Events)
15. Balloon Stomp (How To Have it All)
16. Glow in the Dark Capture the Flag (Let’s Get Together)
17. Bean Bag Toss (Morgan Moore)
18. Birthday Bingo (Crazy Little Projects)
19. Lollipop Tree (Driven By Decor)
20. Pin the Nose on Olaf (The Style Sisters)
21. Snack Toss (Parents)
22. Lego Spoon Race (Little Family Fun)
23. Life Size Angry Birds Game (Kara’s Party Ideas)
24. Toppling Tug-of-War (Better Homes of Gardens)
25. Donut On a String (Small Fry)

Looking for more inspiration to help organize the birthday part of your child’s dreams? These books are FILLED with awesome ideas!

101 Kids Activities That Are the Bestest, Funnest Ever!
The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments by Holly Homer
150+ Screen-Free Activities for Kids

Who knew coming up with birthday party games for kids could be so much fun?!

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If you liked this collection of birthday party games for kids, please share it on Pinterest!

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