Health Care

7 Ovarian Cancer Signs That Can Be Easily Missed

Ovarian cancer is known as the “silent killer” for good reason—the disease doesn’t have as many obvious indicators as, say, breast or skin cancer. But that doesn’t mean women don’t experience symptoms. Oftentimes, though, those symptoms aren’t easy to spot.”They’re very discrete, easy to ignore, and can easily be attributed to other things like changing

7 Ovarian Cancer Signs That Can Be Easily Missed Read More »

Oral sex may contribute to some cases of vaginal condition bacterial vaginosis

Oral sex is one of the most intimate acts a couple can enjoy, but this pleasurable act can turn hazardous sometimes. Also referred to as oral intercourse, oral sex is the sexual activity that involves using your mouth, lips or tongue to stimulate your partner’s genitals or anus. But experts say this sexual act can

Oral sex may contribute to some cases of vaginal condition bacterial vaginosis Read More »

7 Herbs That Kill Viruses and Clear Mucus from Your Lungs

As a society, we are getting sicker and sicker. Mentally, bodily and emotionally and they are all intertwined. Very often, we use antibiotics to treat bodily sickness although the problem is that we are severely overusing these drugs to that point these “bugs” are becoming superbugs and killing people due to something called antibiotic resistance.

7 Herbs That Kill Viruses and Clear Mucus from Your Lungs Read More »

6 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Heart Doesn’t Work As It Should

There are approximately 610,000 people dying of heart-related problems each year in the US alone. The most common reasons for developing heart diseases are the lifestyle and bad habits in men and women. There are many symptoms and signs showing that your heart doesn’t work properly. It’s essential to notice these signs earlier and consult

6 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Heart Doesn’t Work As It Should Read More »

If You See THIS Label On the Fruit Do Not Buy It at Any Cost – This Is Why

Most of us don’t know that the stickers attached to the fruits and vegetables are there for more than just scanning the price. The PLU code, or the price lookup number on the sticker can help you determine if the product is genetically modified, organic or produced with chemical fertilizers, fungicides or herbicides.The most important

If You See THIS Label On the Fruit Do Not Buy It at Any Cost – This Is Why Read More »

8 Warning Signs That a Stroke Is Coming On–Look for Little Things, Like Sudden Loss of Balance

The recent death of the former “Beverly Hills, 90210” star Luke Perry has struck a chord with many men and women who grew up a fan of the teen star. Generation X grew up adoring him and now face his loss, stunned. Not only because of the death of someone they idolized but because it shines a

8 Warning Signs That a Stroke Is Coming On–Look for Little Things, Like Sudden Loss of Balance Read More »

The Best And Fastest Way To Remove Uric Acid Crystals And Stop Joint Pain And Gout

This article can reveal the best and fastest way to remove uric acid crystals and stop joint pain and gout. The gout is an issue that is seen in people who have digestion problems since the uric acid makes arthritis in the small bones and joints in the feet. Other gout effects are swelling and

The Best And Fastest Way To Remove Uric Acid Crystals And Stop Joint Pain And Gout Read More »

How does diabetes affect sex life for men and for women?

Are you suffering from diabetes? Well, having diabetes affects much more than a person’s diet. It can impact every aspect of their life, including their sexual health. When a person suffers from diabetes, their body cannot use insulin properly, and this can lead to high blood sugar levels. Over time, these can lead to major health complications such as

How does diabetes affect sex life for men and for women? Read More »