Coping with COVID-19

The situation with COVID-19 stirs up anxiety for many of us as we navigate these frightening times in the context of our unique circumstances.  To support us all in caring for ourselves, our families, our loved ones, and our communities, we have put together a list of resources that will be updated regularly. 

We also invite you to share your stories with us at [email protected].  It can be in words, an audio recording, a photo or other visual image, or even just an article that inspired you! Your sharing will bring comfort to others. We will try to share as many of your stories as possible on our blog page.  


McLean Hospital: Free Webinar Series
Join McLean experts in this free webinar series to help you feel mentally balanced and safe during these difficult times.  The topics range from overcoming parental burnout, reducing family anxiety, managing stress, and self-care during the pandemic.

Society for Participatory Medicine
Here you will find a list of COVID-19 related resources including the epidemiology and clinical aspects of COVID-19, prevention and self-care, and coping with the stress and anxiety caused by COVID-19.

Unfixed Film COVID 19 Toolkit
Watch these videos about the importance of taking care of our bodies, minds and spirits during these challenging times. You will hear specific tips and tricks from the experts – individuals with chronic conditions – who have had to adopt, refine and practice these tools every day of their lives.

NYTimes: Hang in There, Help is on the Way
Times are tough now, but the end is in sight. If we hunker down, keep our families safe during the holidays and monitor our health at home, life will get better in the spring. Here’s how to get through it.

Medical Care

Mayo Clinic: How to Safely go to Your Doctor During the Pandemic

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many people have had concerns about COVID-19, but you can safely visit your doctor during the pandemic. Learn how to stay safe from COVID-19 while getting the care you need.


Your Body Just Wants To Get Through This
An inspiring article about coping with illness during COVID-19.

NASW: Self-Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The National Association of Social Workers has compiled some great resources and links to free self-care activities like yoga, meditation, quarantine chats, and ways to care for others and ourselves while staying home.  Hopefully some of these activities can bring some beauty and joy into your day as part of your self-care practice.

Mental Health America Webinar: Practicing Self Compassion
The coronavirus pandemic is impacting all of us in different ways. Whether we are experiencing job insecurity or loss, are stuck at home alone, or are juggling work and children, it can be easy to begrudge ourselves over how we feel, how we are using our time, and what we can control. Many of us are learning and noticing how we talk to ourselves and how our friends, colleagues, and those we support talk to themselves, even in the midst of a global health crisis. This webinar discusses: the science behind why we are so hard on ourselves; the research behind self-compassion and its impact on our wellbeing; and self-compassion tools to practice and share with others. The presenter, Kelly Davis, is the Director of Peer Advocacy, Supports, and Services at Mental Health America (MHA).

Headspace: Free Guided Meditations
To help support you through this time of crisis, Headspace is offering a collection of free meditations, sleep, and movement exercises to help you find some space and kindness for yourself and those around you.

Health, Wellness and Mindfulness at Home
A list of resources to keep you healthy and mindful at home.

Managing Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Washington Post: Pandemic anxiety is making us sleepless, forgetful and angry. Here are tips for coping.
If you’re feeling anxious, that’s understandable — and you are not alone. This article examines four problems that can be caused or exacerbated by anxiety (sleeplessness, difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, and increased irritability and anger), and steps you can take to address those issues.

Mclean Hospital: 5 Ways to Reduce Anxiety During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Worrying about catching an infectious disease while taking care of your family, can be a stressful time. Several Doctors from McLean, share ways to keep you and your family feeling mentally balanced and safe in your household during an uncertain time.

Mass General: Managing Stress – Tips for Coping with the Stress of COVID-19
COVID-19 has produced a lot of uncertainty. Daily we are being faced with questions about how to best keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, as well as how to manage changes in our routines. First, know it is normal to feel stressed! This guide provides information on how to know if you are stressed and what you can do to manage your stress during this difficult time.

Ten Percent Happier: Coronavirus Sanity Guide
In times like these, we need practical, actionable ways of coping with stress, fear, and anxiety. The meditations, podcasts, blog posts, and talks on this page will help you build resilience and find some calm amidst the chaos. 

Care for your Coronavirus Anxiety
A toolkit of resources for anxiety and your mental health in a global climate of uncertainty, including  helpful articles, meditations, access to mental health experts, anxiety screenings, and more.


Family Resources for Managing During COVID-19

Mass General Office for Well-Being: COVID-19 Resources for Parents
This webpage offers a variety of useful resources for parents including links to online educational tools and resources, information on how to speak to children of different ages about Coronavirus, and sample daily schedules and activities for children.

FHAO: Parenting and Caregiving for Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Families are currently navigating a massive experiment in remote learning, and many parents and caregivers are looking for ways to support children’s learning and well-being at home. The organization Facing History And Ourselves is sharing ideas on their website to help you nurture learning, empathy, reflection, and engagement at home.

The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds: 7 Ways to Support Kids and Teens Through the Coronavirus Pandemic
The outbreak of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has created a lot of anxiety and uncertainty for all of us, including children and teens. As parents and caregivers, we need to talk with our kids about COVID-19 to address these concerns. This article shares seven tips on how to engage with kids of all ages to help them maintain emotional stability during the crisis, followed by guidance on how to tailor conversations for kids of different ages.

The New York Times: How to Talk to Kids About Coronavirus
So what should you tell kids about the coronavirus, and how? This article presents the best tips from a pediatrician, two psychologists, a pediatric infectious disease specialist.


Loneliness and Isolation

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: How to Prevent Social Isolation from Making Loneliness Worse

Huffington Post: How To Cope With Loneliness During Social Distancing If You Live Alone
Feeling lonely during the coronavirus pandemic is normal. In this article, therapists share little ways for everyone to feel more connected during this period of social distancing.

The New York Times Opinion: Working at Home? Self-Isolation Doesn’t Have to Be Lonely
An author shares how joining a “virtual co-working group” has helped her find a sense of camaraderie and feel less isolated while working from home alone.

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