December 2020

Waitress Who Was Denied Customer’s $2,000 Tip Has Money Paid By Boss

After being inundated with abuse, the restaurant boss decided to pay the waitress the money she was previously given as a tip. Media can have a strong influence and shape the way we perceive events and people in our society. Their power has been proved a million times before. This time, after sharing her story […]

Waitress Who Was Denied Customer’s $2,000 Tip Has Money Paid By Boss Read More »

California Disney employee brags about getting COVID-19 vaccine early, hospital says leftover doses were given to non-frontline health care workers

A 33-year-old California woman who works at Disney allegedly jumped the line for the first round of her COVID-19 vaccine through a connection at a local hospital. The woman, who has not been publicly identified, bragged on Facebook about getting the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the general public, the Orange County Register reported

California Disney employee brags about getting COVID-19 vaccine early, hospital says leftover doses were given to non-frontline health care workers Read More »

GoDaddy Employees never received a Holiday Bonus. It Was Actually a Phishing Test.

Roughly 500 employees failed the test, which claimed they would receive a $650 bonus. “2020 has been a record year for GoDaddy, thanks to you!” the email read. Sent by [email protected], tucked underneath a glittering banner of a snowflake and stamped with the words “GoDaddy Holiday Party,” the Dec. 14 email to hundreds of GoDaddy

GoDaddy Employees never received a Holiday Bonus. It Was Actually a Phishing Test. Read More »