Since the first Covid-19 vaccine was authorised for use in the United Kingdom, and administered on the 8th December 2020, there have been hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme. But there is one particular adverse reaction which is both concerning and strange, and the number of people suffering from it is increasing by the week – Blindness.
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The MHRA Yellow Card scheme analysis print for the Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA jab shows that since the first jab was administered on the 9th December 2020, and up to December 8th 2021, 132 people have reported suffering blindness due to the injection. Another 6 people have also reported central vision loss, whilst a further 3 people have reported sudden visual loss.
Fifteen people have also reported an adverse reaction known as ‘blindness transient’ due to the Pfizer vaccine. This is where a person suffers visual disturbance or loss of sight in one eye for seconds or minutes at a time. And a further six people have reported an adverse reaction known as ‘unilateral blindness’. This is where a person is blind or has extremely poor vision in one eye.
In total there have been 6,682 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab as of 8th Dec 21.

The AstraZeneca viral vector injection has also caused hundreds of people to go blind. As of December 8th the MHRA has received 306 reports of blindness, 3 reports of central vision loss, 5 reports of sudden visual loss, and 26 reports of blindness transient among 14,448 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the jab.

The Moderna mRNA injection, which was first administered in June and has the lowest number of injections administered in the UK, has also caused several people to suffer blindness.
As of 8th Dec 21 the MHRA have received 19 reports of blindness, and 34 reports of visual impairment as adverse reactions to the Moderna injection.

In all, when including adverse reactions reported where the brand of vaccine was not specified, there have been 22,060 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections, with 461 of these reactions being complete blindness. Now, “fact-checkers” alongside authorities have been on the case to sweep this data under the carpet and have labelled it as unreliable. Their reasoning is that “just because someone reports the event after having the vaccine, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is due to the vaccine”.
But what they’re not telling you is that it also doesn’t necessarily mean it is not due to the vaccine, and we imagine every single person who has reported an adverse reaction would disagree with the fact checkers and authorities attempts to play down these reports.
For instance one person who goes by the name of Louis has been documenting the story of his wife on Twitter since she had the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.
Unfortunately his wife went completely blind in her left eye and 30-60% blind in her right eye after having the AstraZeneca jab and the neurologist treating her, categorically told her not have the second dose.

As you can see the misery which the fact checkers are disregarding as “not necessarily the fault of the vaccine” is very real for the people who are reporting them. But why are the Covid vaccines causing people to go blind?
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Well there is another extremely concerning adverse reaction that has been reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme, one which has seen an astronomical increase in the number of reports in the past few weeks – stroke.
As of 8th Dec 21, the MHRA has received 652 reports of stroke due to the Pfizer mRNA injection, which is now the primary booster jab being administered to Brits. These reports include 14 reports of subarachnoid haemorrhage, which is an extremely rare type of stroke, 48 reports of cerebral haemorrhage, 55 reports of ischaemic stroke, and 414 reports of cerebrovascular accidents.
Sadly these 652 reported strokes have resulted in 47 deaths.

Unfortunately the AstraZeneca vaccine has also caused hundred of strokes. Up to 8th Dec 21 the MHRA has received 2,193 reports of stroke as adverse reactions to the jab resulting in 154 deaths. The 2,193 strokes include 180 cerebral haemorrhages, 114 subarachnoid haemorrhages (supposed to be rare), 156 ischaemic strokes, and a shocking 1,275 cerebrovascular accidents.

But what does this have to do with people going blind? Well this helpful fact sheet provided by the Stroke Foundation in Australia provides the answer as to why. According to the fact sheet around one-third of stroke survivors suffer visual loss, and most sadly never fully recover their vision.
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Ribosome damage caused by defective RNA. Normally a cell synthesizes RNA within the cell and then it is processed by the ribosomes fairly straight away. With the mRNA ‘vaccine’ the RNA is being synthesized in a lab, packaged, shipped, sits on shelf, and then administered as a shot. There are a lot of opportunities for the RNA sequence to become corrupt by either manufacturing defects or improper storage and handling. When this damaged RNA is folded into the ribosome it becomes stuck like a folded up sheet of paper in a printer. At that point, the ribosome’s job of processing RNA data is halted. Many cells can disassociate the damaged ribosomes and regenerate new ones. Some cells, like nerve cells, have low ribosome turnover. So damaged ribosomes will linger for a comparatively long time and will lead to developing neuropathies.